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THANKSGIVING DAY 5K  |  11.27.2025

Thanksgiving Day 5K

Kids Fun Run

Thursday, November 27 · 8:45 am

What better way to begin your Thanksgiving Day than this benefit event! Run, walk, or stroll prior to your Thanksgiving feast. The certified 5k course travels, track, pavement, and the woodland trails of Sherando Park. This 5k run is an electronic chip timed event.


Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 male and top 3 female finishers and the top master male and female!

Location: Sherando High School · Stephens City, VA


Proceeds benefit WATTS

Winchester Area Temporary Transitional Shelter

Thursday, November 27 · 8:00 am and 8:15 am


Thanksgiving Day 5K Sponsors

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Frederick County Parks and Recreation  107 N. Kent St. Winchester, VA 22601  |  |  540-665-5678

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